Module LeNa Move
Systematically reflect on criteria for a societally responsible research process
"Research with societal responsibility" describes a research process that contributes to sustainable development on the basis of a critical and systematic reflection of research questions, theoretical assumptions, methods, results and their communication and impact.
It goes well beyond the rules for ensuring good scientific practice and focuses on reflection criteria that apply to all research disciplines and are transferable to all levels of the research process. The framework for reflection "Research with societal Responsibility" developed in LeNa 1 aims precisely at this holistic approach by promoting critical and systematic reflection on the entire research process. It encompasses "How is research being conducted?" including the question "With whom or for whom is research being conducted?".
The Framework for Reflection supports researchers and research managers in recognising and taking into account societal responsibility throughout the entire research process - i.e. ideally from strategic agenda planning and conducting research to monitoring and evaluation. LeNa Move promotes awareness and implementation of the LeNa framework for reflection in the scientific community by developing targeted and motivating formats that take into account the specific needs and institutional framework conditions of researchers and use modern tools to overcome obstacles.
The overarching goal is to qualify the principle of "research with societal responsibility" as a natural part of research practice in the future. This should provide concrete impetus for reflection and, above all, transformation steps at the level of individual researchers, research institutes and organisations, as well as in the area of funding institutions and evaluation processes, and make a far-reaching contribution to sustainability in science.
Workshops and formats
Workshops on research with societal responsibility
> Link to the events: LeNa Sustainability Guide: Events (nachhaltig-forschen.de)